Welcome to the website of Domenic Hutchins!


Domenic Hutchins (b. 1991, U.S.) received undergraduate and graduate degrees in philosophy before entering the fields of music criticism and the antiquarian book trade. Between 2017 and 2019, Hutchins presented a diverse selection of rigorous research at a range of conferences on subjects including Andrew Durbin’s contemporary eco-poetics, Theodor Adorno’s aesthetic political philosophy, and differing approaches to archival research in and outside the university. Through digital labels such as HighsmithPsy (US) and Superpang (Italy), Hutchins has presented acoustic and electronic music works with disparate collaborators including poet Adrienne Herr, improviser Ananya Ganesh, composer Greg Davis, among others. An avid organizer of creative music concerts in the Northeast, Hutchins has in 2022 and 2023 installed an extensive public-facing archive of ‘90s Chicago music 10-years-in-the-making at Chicago’s beloved ESS; presented unpublished multi-prepared-piano works on Swedish radio; performed at prisoner advocacy coalition events; and published an essay exploring racial politics surrounding the work of early minimalist Terry Jennings (1940–1981). After invitations by Journal of Sonic Studies (NL), Sound American (US), and others, he has begun research on Iancu Dumitrescu and Axel Dörner. Further working to dissolve the rifts between the sensual, the aesthetic and the politico-rational, Hutchins is currently preparing a lengthy manuscript (presently in private circulation), "Please Note Our Failure" that embraces the fields of art history, aesthetic politics, music criticism, film and social philosophy. He has completed graduate work at Tufts’s Museum Studies program and UVA’s Rare Book School. In addition to these activities, Hutchins is fervently active in local politics and through his associations, and regularly volunteers with the Appalachian Trail Club and other such beneficent organizations.


Working in tandem with ESS's Creative Audio Archive, Hutchins is currently soliciting rare materials (ephemera, bootlegs, magazines, articles, interviews, newspapers, photos, essays, etc.) that document Chicago’s legendary underground music scene of the 1990s, for potential inclusion in a large public archive. Stay tuned for a public talk on ‘90s Chicago's international permutations. You can contact him at hutchinsdomenic@gmail.com

Friends doing great work!




